Wajir County

Wajir County

Wajir County is located in North Eastern Kenya and borders Mandera County to the North and North East, Somalia to the East, Garissa County to the South and South West, Isiolo County and Marsabit County to the West and Ethiopia to the North West.

It covers an area of 56,773.1Km2 according to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census.

According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census the population was 781,263 with a population density of 14 people per Km2and an annual growth rate of 3.7%.

The main economic activity is pastrolism with some agro-pastrolism and rain-fed agriculture being practised on a small scale basis in the northern higher altitude regions of the county.

Wajir County has six (6) constituencies which are further divided into 30 electoral wards with Wajir North and Wajir South having 7 wards each, while the rest; Wajir West, Wajir East, Tarbaj and Eldas have 4 wards each.


Women Representative FATUMA IBRAHIM ALI

Wajir North

Wajir West

Wajir East

Wajir South

A sample of 800 and a margin of error of ±3.464% was used.
View Sample frame
Ward Adult Population per Ward Sample per Ward
Gurar                          16,139 25
Bute                          21,117 32
Korondile                          16,560 25
Malkagufu                            4,649 7
Batalu                          13,691 21
Danaba                          24,038 37
Godoma                          10,830 17
Wagberi                          18,467 28
Township                          23,180 35
Barwago                          23,750 36
Khorof/Harar                          23,514 36
Elben                          21,336 33
Sarman                          20,586 32
Tarbaj                          22,762 35
Wargadud                          23,654 36
Arbajahan                          17,178 26
Hadado/ Athibohol                          15,215 23
Ademasajide                          20,706 32
Ganyure                          11,722 18
Wagalla                            7,164 11
Eldas                          15,261 23
Della                          16,649 25
Lakoley South/Basir                            8,983 14
Elnur/Tula Tula                          22,928 35
Benane                          19,384 30
Burder                            8,386 13
Dadaja Bulla                          17,579 27
Habaswein                          20,775 32
Lagboghol South                          19,189 29
Ibrahim Ure                          17,419 27
                       522,812 800
Constituency No of Wards Wards Member of Parliament
Wajir North 7 Gurar, Bute, Korondile, Malkagufu, Batalu, Danaba, Godoma AHMED ABDISALAN IBRAHIM
Wajir East 4 Wagbri, Township, Barwago, Khorof/Harar RASHID KASSIM AMIN
Tarbaj 4 Elben, Sarman, Tarbaj, Wargadud AHMED BASHANE GAAL
Wajir West 5 Arbajahan, Hadado/Athibohol, Ademasajide, Ganyure, Wagalla AHMED KOLOSH MOHAMED
Eldas 4 Eldas, Della, Lakoley South/Basir, Elnur/Tula Tula ADAN KEYNAN WEHLIYE
Wajir South 6 Benane, Burder, Dadaja Bulla, Habaswein, Lagboghol South, Ibrahim Ure MOHAMUD SHEIKH MOHAMMED

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating (2015)

  • Governor 57.3% 57.3%
  • Senator 44.2% 44.2%
  • Women’s Representative 43.1% 43.1%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 48.7% 48.7%

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating (2020)

  • Governor 46.2% 46.2%
  • Senator 39.1% 39.1%
  • Women’s Representative 46.3% 46.3%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 45.0% 45.0%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating (2015)

  • Wajir West Constituency 60.1% 60.1%
  • Eldas Constituency 56.5% 56.5%
  • Wajir South Constituency 54% 54%
  • Wajir East Constituency 51.5% 51.5%
  • Tarbaj Constituency 50% 50%
  • Wajir North Constituency 43.5% 43.5%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating (2020)

  • Wajir West Constituency 50.2% 50.2%
  • Eldas Constituency 56.9% 56.9%
  • Wajir South Constituency 38.1% 38.1%
  • Wajir East Constituency 45.3% 45.3%
  • Tarbaj Constituency 50.8% 50.8%
  • Wajir North Constituency 45.0% 45.0%
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