Turkana County

Turkana County

Turkana County is located in North Western Kenya and is the only County sharing international boundaries with three countries; Uganda to the West, South Sudan to the North West and Ethiopia to the North East. It also borders Marsabit County to the East, Samburu County to the South East and Baringo County and West Pokot County to the South.

It covers an area of 68,232.9Km2 according to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census.

According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census, the population for Turkana County was 926,976 people with a population density of 14 people per Km2.

The main economic activity in the County is pastoralism characterized by livestock rearing. Others are farming of sorghum and drought resistant maize, trade, fishing, weaving, and tourism.

Turkana County has six (6) constituencies divided into 30 electoral wards. Turkana West has the highest wards with 7, Turkana North has 6, Turkana Central and Turkana South have 5 each, Loima has 4 and Turkana East has the least with 3 wards.


Women Representative JOYCE AKAI EMANIKOR

Turkana North Constituency

Turkana Central Constituency

Turkana South Constituency

Turkana west constituency

Turkana east constituency

Loima constituency

A sample of 800 and a margin of error of ±3.464% was used.
View Sample frame
Ward Adult Population per Ward Sample per Ward
Kaeris                          17,153 27
Lakezone                          21,160 33
Lapur                          18,253 28
Kaaleng/Kaikor                          19,596 30
Kibish                          15,223 24
Nakalale                            9,355 14
Kakuma                          20,258 31
Lopur                          21,541 33
Letea                          22,657 35
Songot                          10,645 16
Kalobeyei                            9,892 15
Lokichoggio                          23,374 36
Nanaam                          16,709 26
Kerio Delta                          20,664 32
Kang�atotha                          13,708 21
Kalokol                          11,764 18
Lodwar Township                          21,446 33
Kanamkemer                          13,762 21
Kotaruk /Lobei                          19,104 30
Turkwel                          28,629 44
Loima                          12,319 19
Lokiriama/ Lorengippi                          12,718 20
Kaputir                            9,132 14
Katilu                          25,322 39
Lobokat                            6,721 10
Kalapata                          14,200 22
Lokichar                          26,717 41
Kapedo /Napeitom                          15,365 24
Katilia                          12,674 20
Lokori/ Kochodin                          26,603 41
                       516,667 800
Constituency No of Wards Wards Member of Parliament
Turkana North 6 Kaeris,Lake zone,Lapur,Kaaleng/kaikor,Kibish,Nakalale CHRISROPHER DOYE NAKULEU
Turkana West 7 Kakuma,Lopur,Letea,Songot,Kalobeyei,Lokichoggio,Nanaam DANIEL EPUYO NANOK
Turkana Central 5 Kerio Delta,Kang’atotha,Kalokol,Lodwar Township,Kanamkemer JOHN LODEPE NAKARA
Loima 4 Kotaruk/Lobei,Turkwel,Loima,Lokiriama/Loren Gippi JEREMIAH EKAMAIS LOMORUKAI
Turkana South 5 Kaputir,Katilu,Lobokat,Kalapata,Lokichar JAMES LOMENEN EKOMWA
Turkana East 3 Kapedo/Napeito M,Katilia,Lokori/Kochodin LOKIRU ALI MOHAMMED

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2015)

  • Governor 73.9% 73.9%
  • Senator 49% 49%
  • Women’s Representative 47.3% 47.3%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 59.1% 59.1%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2015)

  • Turkana Central Constituency 62.6% 62.6%
  • Loima Constituency 61% 61%
  • Turkana North Constituency 60% 60%
  • Turkana West Constituency 60% 60%
  • Turkana South Constituency 54.7% 54.7%
  • Turkana East Constituency 51.2% 51.2%

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2020)

  • Governor 62.5% 62.5%
  • Senator 47.3% 47.3%
  • Women’s Representative 43.1% 43.1%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 50.4% 50.4%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2020)

  • Turkana Central Constituency 54.4% 54.4%
  • Loima Constituency 55% 55%
  • Turkana North Constituency 62.5% 62.5%
  • Turkana West Constituency 57.1% 57.1%
  • Turkana South Constituency 59.9% 59.9%
  • Turkana East Constituency 56.3% 56.3%
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