Nyamira County


Nyamira County

Nyamira County is located in the South Western region of the country and borders Bomet County to the East, Narok to the South, Kisii to the West, Homa Bay to the North, and Kericho to the North East. It covers an area of 897.3Km2. According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census the population was 605,576 with a population density of 675 people per Km2 and an annual growth rate of 2.4%.

The major economic is farming of tea, coffee, pyrethrum, bananas and dairy farming. Agricultural produce include maize, beans, sorghum, finger millet and dairy products.

The County is endowed with livestock, arable land, pasture and water.

Nyamira County has four (4) constituencies divided into 20 electoral wards. Kitutu Masaba has the highest number of wards with 6, followed by West and North Mugirango with 5 and Borabu with 4 wards.


A sample of 800 and a margin of error of ±3.464% was used.
View Sample Frame
Ward Adult Population per Ward Sample per Ward
Rigoma                          24,994                                  58
Gachuba                          18,648                                  43
Kemera                          20,381                                  47
Magombo                          12,851                                  30
Manga                          17,484                                  41
Gesima                          20,591                                  48
Nyamaiya                          18,862                                  44
Bogichora                          24,144                                  56
Bosamaro                          22,950                                  53
Bonyamatuta                          14,913                                  35
Township                          11,301                                  26
Itibo                          15,931                                  37
Bomwagamo                            9,958                                  23
Bokeira                          15,868                                  37
Magwagwa                          13,481                                  31
Ekerenyo                          15,389                                  36
Mekenene                          10,954                                  25
Kiabonyoru                          25,204                                  58
Nyansiongo                          15,871                                  37
Esise                          15,559                                  36
                       345,333                                800

Borabu Constituency

Kitutu Masaba Constituency

North Mugirango Constituency

West Mugirango Constituency

Constituency No of Wards Wards Member of Parliament
Kitutu Masaba 6 Rigoma, Gachuba, Kemera, Magombo,Manga, Gesima SHADRACK JOHN MOSE
West Mugirango 5 Nyamaiya, Bogichora,Bosamaro, Bonyamatuta, Township VINCENT KEMOSI MOGAKA
North Mugirango 5 Itibo, Bomwagamo, Bokeira, Magwagwa,Ekerenyo JOASH NYAMACHE NYAMOKO
Borabu 4 Mekenene, Kiabonyoru,Esise, Nyansiongo BEN GEORGE ORORI MOMANYI

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2015)

  • Governor 54.6% 54.6%
  • Senator 47.3% 47.3%
  • Women’s Representative 41.8% 41.8%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 53.5% 53.5%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2015)

  • West Mugirango Constituency 62.7% 62.7%
  • Borabu Constituency 62.4% 62.4%
  • Kitutu Masaba Constituency 48.6% 48.6%
  • North Mugirango Constituency 43.7% 43.7%

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2020)

  • Governor 42.5% 42.5%
  • Senator 43.3% 43.3%
  • Women’s Representative 39.6% 39.6%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 50.1% 50.1%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2020)

  • West Mugirango Constituency 45.3% 45.3%
  • Borabu Constituency 49.1% 49.1%
  • Kitutu Masaba Constituency 42.9% 42.9%
  • North Mugirango Constituency 44.8% 44.8%
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