Nakuru County


Nakuru County

Nakuru County is located in the Great Rift Valley region and borders Baringo County to the north, Laikipia County to the north east, Nyandarua County to the east, Kajiado County to the south, Narok County to the south west and Bomet County and Kericho County to the west. It covers an area of 7,462.4 Km2 with a population density of 290 per square kilometer.

According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census the population was 2,162,202 with an annual growth rate of 3.4%.

The major economic activities include subsistence and commercial farming, tourism, geothermal power generation, small-scale trade, dairy farming and flower farming. Agriculture is the backbone of the county’s economy with maize, beans, cowpeas, milk, beef and mutton the common produce.

Nakuru County has eleven (11) constituencies and 55 electoral wards.



Naivasha Constituency

Nakuru Town West Constituency

Nakuru Town East Constituency

Kuresoi South Constituency

Kuresoi North Constituency

Molo Constituency

Rongai Constituency

Subukia Constituency

Njoro Constituency

Gilgil Constituency

Bahati Constituency

A sample of 1200 and a margin of error of ±2.828% was used.
View Sample frame
Ward Adult Population per Ward Sample per Ward
Mariashoni 8,598 9
Elburgon 29,990 33
Turi 17,570 19
Molo 29,755 32
Mau Narok 24,460 27
Mauche 23,504 25
Kihingo 18,370 20
Nesuit 9,312 10
Lare 12,332 13
Njoro 39,649 43
Biashara 10,834 12
Hellsgate 27,070 29
Lake View 13,865 15
Mai mahiu 20,571 22
Maeilla 19,006 21
Olkaria 17,562 19
Naivasha East 14,418 16
Viwanda 31,423 34
Gilgil 32,866 36
Elementaita 18,989 21
Mbaruk/Eburu 23,056 25
Malewa West 15,130 16
Murindat 14,972 16
Amalo 14,558 16
Keringet 20,125 22
Kiptagich 18,084 20
Tinet 26,931 29
Kiptororo 25,952 28
Nyota 27,240 30
Sirikwa 11,766 13
Kamara 20,687 22
Subukia 14,603 16
Waseges 23,408 25
Kabazi 27,218 30
Menengai west 19,249 21
Soin 17,239 19
Visoi 21,657 23
Mosop 18,673 20
Solai 13,026 14
Dundori 16,788 18
Kabatini 20,456 22
Kiamaina 21,641 23
Lanet/Umoja 19,339 21
Bahati 21,379 23
Barut 4,682 5
London 16,282 18
Kaptembwo 48,572 53
Kapkures 6,183 7
Rhoda 16,981 18
Shaabab 12,420 13
Biashara 24,797 27
Kivumbini 14,204 15
Flamingo 22,339 24
Menengai 22,732 25
Nakuru East 24,437 26
1,106,950 1,200
Constituency No of Wards Wards Member of Parliament
Molo 4 Mariashoni,Elburgon,Turi,Molo FRANCIS KURIA KIMANI
Njoro 6 Mau Narok, Mauche, Kihingo, Nessuit, Lare,Njoro CHARITY KATHAMBI CHEPKWONY
Naivasha 8 Biashara, Hells Gate, Lake View, Maiella, Mai Mahiu,Olkaria ,Naivasha East,Viwandani JAYNE NJERI KIHARA
Gilgil 5 Gilgil, Elementaita, Mbaruk/Eburu, Malewa West, Murindati MARTHA WANGARI
Kuresoi South 4 Amalo, Keringet, Kiptagich,Tinet TONUI JOSEPH KIPKOSGEI
Kuresoi North 4 Kiptororo, Nyota , Sirikwa,Kamara MOSES KIPKEMBOI CHEBOI
Subukia 3 Subukia, Waseges, Kabazi SAMUEL KINUTHIA GACHOBE
Rongai 5 Menengai West, Soin, Visoi,Mosop, Solai KIPRUTO MOI
Bahati 5 Dundori, Kabatini, Kiamaina, Lanet/Umoja,Bahati ONESMAS KIMANI NGUNJIRI
Nakuru Town West 6 Barut, London, Kaptembwo,Kapkures, Rhoda, Shaabab SAMUEL ARAMA
Nakuru Town East 5 Biashara, Kivumbini, Flamingo, Menengai,Nakuru East DAVID GIKARIA

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2015)

  • Governor 58.6% 58.6%
  • Senator 41.6% 41.6%
  • Women’s Representative 42.6% 42.6%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 56.8% 56.8%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2015)

  • Nakuru Town West Constituency 69% 69%
  • Nakuru Town East Constituency 65% 65%
  • Gilgil Constituency 64.4% 64.4%
  • Njoro Constituency 63.7% 63.7%
  • Kuresoi North Constituency 62.7% 62.7%
  • Subukia Constituency 61.5% 61.5%
  • Bahati Constituency 59.1% 59.1%
  • Rongai Constituency 56.4% 56.4%
  • Molo Constituency 55.1% 55.1%
  • Naivasha Constitiuency 45.7% 45.7%
  • Kuresoi South Constituency 43.5% 43.5%

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating  (2020)

  • Governor 53.2% 53.2%
  • Senator 46.5% 46.5%
  • Women’s Representative 40.3% 40.3%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 48.2% 48.2%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating  (2020)

  • Nakuru Town West Constituency 56.6% 56.6%
  • Nakuru Town East Constituency 45.6% 45.6%
  • Gilgil Constituency 49% 49%
  • Njoro Constituency 44.4% 44.4%
  • Kuresoi North Constituency 52% 52%
  • Subukia Constituency 39.6% 39.6%
  • Bahati Constituency 48.7% 48.7%
  • Rongai Constituency 63.7% 63.7%
  • Molo Constituency 37% 37%
  • Naivasha Constitiuency 47% 47%
  • Kuresoi South Constituency 51.6% 51.6%
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