Marsabit County

Marsabit County

Marsabit County which sits at the northern peak of Kenya, shares over 500Kms of border with Ethiopia to the North and North East,Wajir County to the East, Isiolo County to the South East, Samburu County to the South and South West and Lake Turkana to the West and North West.

It covers an area of 7,944..1Km2.

According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census the population was 459,785 with a population density of 6 people per Km2and an annual growth rate of 2.8%.

Major economic activities are livestock rearing and cross border trade. Marsabit is a popular trading point between Kenya and Ethiopia facilitating supply and movement of goods and services through Moyale town.

Marsabit County has four (4) constituencies which are divided into 20 electoral wards. Moyale has the highest number of wards with 7, North Horr and Lasamis have 5 each and Saku have three.


Women Representative ADAN SAFIA SHEIKH

Moyale Constituency

North Horr Constituency

Saku Constituency

Laisamis Constituency

A sample of 600 and a margin of error of ±4% was used.
View Sample frame
Ward Adult Population per Ward Sample per Ward
Butiye                            9,403 36
Sololo                            4,449 17
Heillu/Manyatta                          11,338 44
Golbo                          15,631 60
Moyale Township                            6,805 26
Uran                            5,228 20
Obbu                            2,785 11
Dukana                            9,985 38
Maikona                          10,305 40
Turbi                            5,540 21
North Horr                            9,229 35
Illeret                            5,248 20
Sagante/Jaldesa                            8,983 35
Karare                            4,803 18
Marsabit Central                          11,141 43
Loiyangalani                            8,768 34
Kargi/South Horr                            5,228 20
Korr/Ngurunit                          11,420 44
Logologo                            2,757 11
Laisamis                            7,027 27
                       156,074 600
Constituency No of Wards Wards Member of Parliament
Moyale 7 Butiye, Sololo, Heillu/Manyatta, Golbo, Moyale Township, Uran, Obbu QALICHA GUFU WARIO
North Horr 5 Dukana, Maikona, Turbi, North Horr, Illeret FRANCIS CHACHU GANYA
Saku 3 Sagate/Jaldesa, Karare, Marsabit Central ALI RASSO DIDO
Laisamis 5 Loiyangalani, Kargi/South Horr, Korr/Ngurunit, Logo Logo, Laisamis MARSELINO MALIMO ARBELLE

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating (2015)

  • Governor 53.2% 53.2%
  • Senator 46.9% 46.9%
  • Women’s Representative 43.6% 43.6%
  • Consolidated Mca’s 49.9% 49.9%

CountyTrak Index – Elected Leaders Approval Rating (2015)

  • Governor 48.0% 48.0%
  • Senator 42.5% 42.5%
  • Women’s Representative 42.5% 42.5%
  • Consolidated MCA’s 43.1% 43.1%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating (2015)

  • Saku Constituency 58.1% 58.1%
  • North Korr Constituency 53.2% 53.2%
  • Laisamis Constituency 51.1% 51.1%
  • Moyale Constituency 46.4% 46.4%

CountyTrak Index – MPs Approval Rating (2015)

  • Saku Constituency 47.5% 47.5%
  • North Korr Constituency 48.3% 48.3%
  • Laisamis Constituency 47.5% 47.5%
  • Moyale Constituency 51.6% 51.6%
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